The dynamics between mothers and daughters sparks many discussions and lots of research, but their relationships are well worth every emotional moment.
After a totally exhausting week, I planned to stay in today. I woke up with a pounding headache. While waiting for the Motrin to kick in, the phone rang and, to make a long story shorter, I found myself racing to get dressed and meet my mother for lunch. It was a forty-five minute drive to the restaurant. I got there thirty minutes late (due to traffic and a poor sense of direction), but we had a great time eating and window shopping. The box of work I brought home was still in dining room when I got back (Just as I suspected it would be). I have learned that family is an important part of sustaining/maintained my balance as a teacher. The work will get done and I will be lot less stressed. Thanks Mom.
Glad you had a good day with your mom. I really miss doing those things with mine.