Author: Geraldine Brooks
Rating: 7/5
I LOVED this book! It reminded me of The Thirteenth Tale because both are very well told stories. Encountering this book renewed my reading zeal and reminded me there are books out there that cause you to read well past your workday bedtime. All of the characters felt like flesh and blood, courageously flawed people. I even enjoyed the side story between Hanna and her mother (it reminded me of the story line between Dr. Meridith Grey and her mother on Grey's Anatomy. Mother/Daughter relationship are complex...even when they're fictional.) Hanna's side story fits given the theme of the book.
"I think you have to accept a book as your receive it from past generations, and to a certain extent damage and wear reflect that history."
As in life, the side stories in People of the Book are the story.
See Dewey's review here.
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