The last two week blog improvement challenge (posted
Jan 19th) has to do with content. I really need help in this area, but time has not permitted me to put a lot of work into this part of the challenge. Time seems to be the biggest enemy for me. I have the same 24 hours as everyone else. Mine are just pulled in too many directions.
When it comes to generating ideas, I agree that they are everywhere. On other blogs, in classrooms, in the news, on the road, in the neighborhood...You get the idea. Journaling (yes, I mean the old-fashioned pen and paper kind of journaling) helps me to keep track of some the things I find noteworthy. What I have to do is work on dedicating time to writing. It takes time to prepare the grist for the mill and then to do the appropriate revision and editing a good post requires. I usually have concentrated time for writing on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons, but during the week time is just too fragmented to do anything worthwhile.
With regard to an original regular feature, I have an idea for a bi-monthly Catty Corner" which would feature my cat, Kobi, and other cats that influence me. More in the coming weeks on that. Let me get a slightly better grip on time management first.