Sunday, August 03, 2008

Ransom Paid...Hostages Released!

The required ransom, a memory card, has been paid and the photos have been released from my cell phone. Thanks PO'd!

These are just the highlights of the twelve pix:

I could not get a good picture of Van Gogh's Irises because of the constant crowds that gathered around. Meanwhile, Monet's Haystacks painting got very little attention. I wonder if people understand the work involved in creating this painting. if my favorite painters.

The panels in the skylight were adjusted periodically and the change of lighting gave the paintings an entirely different appearance.

This was my favorite piece at the museum. Rarely have I seen a woman of African descent presented so beautifully in "classical" artwork. This sculpture was an excellent choice as the main feature in the room in which it was displayed.


  1. I'm glad I was able to help.

    the artwork is great, but I really love the ceiling panel picture.

  2. The lighting always strikes me as so perfect at Getty!
